Regular massage is proven to enhance overall mood, sleep habits, stress levels, athletic performance, flexibility, range of motion, injury recovery, circulation, digestion, and release of positive brain chemicals. Many people find regular massages beneficial as self care, while in training, during times of high stress, and recovering from injuries. The list of health benefits is so long, it has its own page on this website!
While massage is not meant to replace medical treatment, it can help us in many ways. The more time, energy, and space we make for massage in our lives; the more we can gain from it. We offer a Rewards Program as a thank you for supporting our small business:
- Rewards Card (extra session time)
- Massage Newsletters (monthly)
- Birthday Discounts (coupons)
- Priority Scheduling (reserved spots)
- Investment (new services/products)
- Accessibility (classes)
"When the mind is silent like a lake, the lotus blossoms."